October Moon Candles ~ Feel Your Center
Throw for the new moon in Libra
Poured under the full moon in Taurus
This is a full moon for releasing. What are you purging? What are you letting go? This is the massive ending of a huge cycle. Breathe. Release. Let it all go. What is in the highest and best for yourself and society? The time for lies and bullshit is done. We are stepping into a new age, a new level of awareness.
Feel for your center, get grounded, and step onto the bridge and leave everything that is not serving you behind you!
Scented with essential oils ~ Lavender & Rose
Lavender : enormously powerful calming and relaxing properties which can help ease away all that stress, tension and worry. Lavender is thought to aid in cleansing emotions from spaces, and usher in a sense of calm
Rose : a soothing sedative effect that promotes greater feelings of relaxation, emotional stability, and optimism.
Topped with Unakite ~ connected to the heart chakra and the planet Venus. Highly grounding, connects us to our empathy, balance, and compassion.